Bryan Formhals / LPV Magazine

While I keenly follow Bryan Formhals’ LPV Magazine as well as its various online incarnations, I only recently discovered that it also exists as a terrific print magazine. There aren’t many publications on actual paper nowadays that showcase a photographer’s output as lucidly or generously; in the latest issue (#3), the four featured photographers — Ed Panar, Hannah Pierce-Carlson, Shane Lynam and Tommy Forbes — are each allotted 12-16 pages to shine. Every issue of LPV is based around a loose theme, and each issue so far has had a unique tone guided by Bryan’s searching sensibility.

The same wayfaring spirit is evident in Medicine, a new zine featuring Bryan’s own photographs and published by San Francisco’s legendary Hamburger Eyes. This collection – made between 2006-2007 in Los Angeles – is a series of epiphanies encountered along Melrose and Hollywood, up and down La Brea and Fairfax and on the scorched boardwalks of Venice and Santa Monica beaches. The pictures are particularly evocative to me since I was on the very same beat at the time, mining those torturously untwisted paths for hours on end when saner minds would surely have packed it in. Why “Medicine,” Bryan? If you were out looking for a cure, my guess is that there isn’t one, not for the likes of us.

You can buy LPV Magazine here and order Medicine here.

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